In the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), our goal is to guide students through the non-academic aspects of medical school, starting from Orientation as an M1 through Commencement as an M4, to allow students to focus their energy on success in their education and their career. We understand the daily stressors and rigors of medical school, and strive to support each student in the ways they need, fostering an equitable and inclusive atmosphere to accommodate and value their diverse experiences and backgrounds.
Specific examples of OSA tasks are: mediating access to mental health support, facilitating access to student health insurance information; event planning (Orientation, White Coat Ceremony, Commencement); community outreach; administrative point-of-contact for COM Student Body Council (SBC), Student Interest Groups (SIGs), Peer Tutoring, Wellness Committee, and DEI Committee; receipt and handling of general student feedback, anonymous reports, and appeals for adverse actions; and letters of support for jury duty postponement and CalFresh eligibility.
In general, if you have a question about medical school (in or out of the classroom), we're a great first stop for answers.