Codes of Conduct

The Honor Code of California Northstate University College of Medicine (CNUCOM) is a formal code of conduct that emphasizes the four core principles of respect, honesty and integrity, legal and ethical behavior, and professionalism, to which all students, faculty, and staff are held responsible for maintaining.


CNUCOM is dedicated to teaching, scholarly activity, research, and service in a respectful manner. We respect one another, our supporters, our colleagues, and our patients. We extend this respect to all persons, regardless of race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, or veteran status. We promote good will amongst our diverse population and uphold the autonomy, dignity, and moral integrity of all persons. We respect the abilities, customs, beliefs, values, and opinions of others. As members of the medical community, we promote the good of every patient in a caring, compassionate, and confidential manner, with respect to their right to privacy. The following examples include, but are not limited to, acts that violate the respect principle of the Honor Code and are subject to non-academic disciplinary action: assault, battery, or other act of physical violence against any person; theft or destruction of property owned by or in the possession or control of CNUCOM or a member of the CNUCOM community; slander, libel, or defamation (slander, libel, and defamation all involve lying) against CNUCOM or a member of the CNUCOM community; a hate crime against a member of the CNUCOM community. The acts described in the preceding sentence and other acts in violation of the respect principle are subject to disciplinary action if they occur on campus or are directed against CNUCOM or a member of the CNUCOM community while off campus on a CNUCOM related matter.


CNUCOM is dedicated to teaching, scholarly activity, research, and service with honesty and integrity, both on and off campus. Medical students have a duty to be truthful in professional and professional-patient relationships. We are committed to teaching, scholarly activity, and professional preparation in a team-based learning environment, in which all individuals are personally accountable and adhere to the tenets of honesty and integrity in the classroom and in the community. Cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty are not tolerated. Individual work is to be based solely on the effort of the individual. Team work and professional relationships are to be based on individual contributions and collaboration from all team members. All examinations, projects, and in or out of classroom assignments, whether individual or team-based, are expected to be performed and completed with the utmost degree of honesty and integrity. The following examples include, but are not limited to, acts that violate the honesty and integrity principle of the Honor Code and are subject to academic disciplinary action: cheating; plagiarism; claiming authorship of written material not so authored; claiming credit for research not so performed; claiming participation on a team project while not participating in the project; any form of academic dishonesty; theft or destruction of academic materials owned by CNUCOM or a member of the CNUCOM community; theft or destruction of research materials owned by CNUCOM or a member of the CNUCOM community. The acts described in the preceding sentence and other acts in violation of the honesty and integrity principle are subject to disciplinary action if they occur on or off campus.


CNUCOM is dedicated to behavior that follows legal and ethical standards in teaching, scholarly activity, research, and service. We are committed to following the law, professional practice standards, and the American Medical Association Code of Medical Ethics. We comply with and adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. We encourage all to act ethically in developing and advocating a culture of consideration for codes of ethics, values, and moral convictions of those who could be affected by our decisions. Whenever appropriate, we seek advice and counsel to determine the right course of action and make the best decision on behalf of those who depend on us to do so. The following examples include, but are not limited to, acts that violate the legal standards and ethical behavior principle of the Honor Code and are subject to academic disciplinary action or non-academic disciplinary action as appropriate: any behavior which violates federal, state or local laws, or any College or formal affiliate policy or rule; violation of the medicine and health care related laws and regulations of the State of California and the California Medical Board; violation of the written standards of practice of the preceptors and practice sites participating in the CNUCOM experiential education program. The acts described in the preceding sentence and other acts in violation of the legal standards and ethical behavior principle are subject to disciplinary action if they occur on or off campus.


CNUCOM is committed to providing teaching, scholarly activity, research and service in a professional manner. We display professional attitudes, values, and behaviors in the classroom, at clinical clerkship sites, and in the community. We encourage team work and team-based learning, with respect for differing points of views of team members. At the same time, we expect individual competence, performance, and accountability in a professional manner. We serve as positive advocates for our profession by striving for excellence in the performance of our duties, while protecting the health and autonomy of our patients, and serving individual, community, and societal needs. The following examples include, but are not limited to, acts that violate the professionalism principle of the Honor Code and are subject to academic disciplinary action or non-academic disciplinary action as appropriate: any behavior which violates federal, state, or local laws, or any College or formal affiliate policy or rule; lewd, obscene or indecent conduct on any College owned or controlled building or property; unauthorized manufacture, sale, possession or use of any substance that causes chemical dependence or impairment; hazing; harassment; possession of a deadly weapon. The acts described in the preceding sentence and other acts in violation of the professionalism principle are subject to disciplinary action if they occur on or off campus.

Personal Accountability and Expectations

All students, faculty, and staff of the CNUCOM community are required to follow all applicable provisions of this Honor Code. We are all personally responsible and accountable for maintaining an environment and culture of respect, honesty, integrity, legal and ethical behavior, and professionalism. This environment and culture shall be extended off campus when dealing with a CNUCOM related matter or a member of the CNUCOM community, including, but not limited to patients, clinical clerkship sites participating in the CNUCOM clinical education program. It is understood that teamwork is necessary for ensuring and sustaining an environment and culture that support these core principles and related values. As such, it is expected that all students, faculty, and staff of CNUCOM shall:

  • Know the Honor Code, Uphold the Honor Code in daily life both on and off-campus, Promote the Honor Code and an environment and culture of respect, honesty, integrity, legal and ethical behavior, and professionalism.
  • Report Honor Code violations to the appropriate personnel, Seek appropriate advice if unsure or in doubt, and Cooperate with investigations of Honor Code violations.

Copyright Policy

Students may not act as distributors of copyrighted material to others, including the dissemination of copyrighted material by any means without written permission from the copyright holder. Students shall not transfer copyrighted material onto a computer for any use other than personal study. Some of the material provided to the student by CNUCOM via electronic means may be "printable" from student’s personal computer for student’s use only. Any charges of violation of the copyright policy will be brought before the Honor Council.

Consequences of Honor Code Violations

Any and all violations of the Honor Code are processed as appropriate through the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions (College of Medicine), or the responsible governing body. Any person accused of academic or non-academic violations will be afforded fair jurisprudence and due process of law. Violations of an academic, professional, or other nature are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, warning, probation, remediation, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, or legal prosecution. Please refer to the Student Mistreatment Policy in Section XIX.


CNUCOM does not tolerate retaliation against individuals who report hateful, dishonest, illegal, unethical, unprofessional, or otherwise inappropriate acts. Anyone who retaliates against these individuals is in violation of the Honor Code and is subject to disciplinary action for that Honor Code violation.


By knowing, understanding, embracing, and following the core principles of this Honor Code, we can ensure that CNUCOM will sustain an environment and culture that supports: an effective learning environment, an effective teaching environment, an effective working environment, and an institution with high quality members.